Since 2021, Uniag Cooperative is following a concrete process to integrate the social, environmental, economic and ethical effects of its activities in its decision-making. In order to do so, an evaluation was carried out as well as a prioritization of actions, which will be re-evaluated annually in a continuous improvement process. The cooperative wishes to be a good cooperative and corporate citizen, and to have a positive impact on society while being economically viable.

Here is a first overview of Uniag Cooperative’s initiatives.


Social involvement is an important value at Uniag Cooperative. Here are some of the projects we are involved in:

  • Annually, Uniag contributes over $50,000 in bursary, donations & sponsorships to support agricultural activities, young farmers and local or regional events.
  • Uniag is pleased to rent a 1,175 square meter space free of charge to the municipality of Sainte-Martine for the establishment of the new dog park.
  • Uniag Cooperative demonstrates its commitment to the next generation of farmers by providing training and monetary support to young farmers through the Fonds coopératif d’aide à la relève agricole.


Given its mission and operations, Uniag Cooperative makes numerous deliveries and visits throughout our territory. In order to control and minimize these emissions, a calculation of the number of tons of CO2 has been established. Since the beginning of the pandemic, promoting work from home has significantly reduced GHG emissions. This new practice, which will remain within the company, has a significant impact.

Before 2019: 291 T of CO2 per year

Now: 166 T of CO2 per year

Result: a reduction of 125 T of CO2

Did you know that free electric vehicle charging stations are available to clients in five of the cooperative’s business locations? Also, multiple 100% electric vehicles are used by expert-advisors.


In order to reduce our energy footprint and to reduce our residual materials we have put in place programs such as

  • the installation of LED light bulbs;
  • the removal of plastic bags in all branches, one year before the federal law came into effect;
  • a significant reduction in paper use, notably through the use of a software.


With our local purchasing policy, we encourage the purchase of goods and services produced in Ontario and Quebec.

  • Uniag Cooperative proudly participates in the AgriRecup program by offering four drop-off points for the recovery of drums, bulk tanks, tubing and other agricultural plastics such as: silage cloths and silo bags, hay bale twine, and much more…


Uniag Cooperative and Norseco s.e.c. 2024 report on the Act to Combat Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains.

2024 Report