Rooted in its environment

Uniag Cooperative contributes some $50,000 annually in the form of sponsorships and donations by ticket from its various operating sectors. In addition, it recognizes the importance of providing financial support to organizations to assist them in carrying out their mandates and activities. In accordance with its cooperative specificity, mission and values, Uniag Cooperative is concretely involved in the communities it serves. It is a company rooted in its environment and it contributes to its economic and social vitality.

In the interest of fairness and in order to properly carry out its mission, while respecting its budget envelope, Uniag Cooperative has adopted a donations and sponsorships policy to guide the granting of these amounts and to facilitate the analysis of applications based on the criteria set out below.

Focused sectors of activity

In the attribution of sponsorships and donations, Uniag Cooperative focuses on the following sectors:

Agriculture and the environment

Uniag Cooperative is first and foremost an agricultural cooperative owned by more than 920 member-policyholders who make their living from agriculture. This is why supporting agricultural activities and events that contribute to the development and promotion of agriculture and the environment in the region is a priority for our cooperative, while respecting our financial capacities.

The next generation

Uniag Cooperative also believes that the future and vitality of agriculture and the regional agricultural cooperative movement depend on its ability to ensure succession within our farms and organizations. This is why it supports the next generation of farmers through several events and activities, in addition to offering various training programs for the next generation (Fonds coopératif d’aide à la relève agricole).

Local or regional events

In order to support the vitality of our regions and enhance its vitality, Uniag Cooperative is involved in certain local or regional activities or events.

Uniag Cooperative favours parent organizations over small individual organizations. In addition, it favours sponsorship requests that favour a group of individuals rather than just one individual.

For sponsorships and donations under $1,000

Requests must be received at least 4 weeks prior to the date of the event.

For sponsorships and donations over $1,000

Requests must be received a minimum of 8 weeks prior to the date of the event.