De gauche à droite : André Lamontagne (Min. de l’agriculture du Québec), Joël, Valérie, Marc, Ginette, Pascal Quesnel, Amanda Maloney, Dominic Bélanger (Dir. des ventes prod. animales, Unifrontieres), Ghislain Gervais (Président de La Coop fédérée) Pascal surprised the audience in the presentation video, "When we the family gets together, it's almost like a co-op meeting! We were raised in a Coop family!".
At La Coop’s 2019 Annual General Meeting,
The Quesnel family earned this recognition following the presentation of a file highlighting their good management practices, their community involvement and their good zootechnical and financial performance. Pascal surprised the audience in the presentation video: “When we meet as a family, it’s almost like a co-op meeting! We were raised in a Coop family!”.
Watch the video of Ferme LCM Quesnel presented at the gala here!
Following the nomination of Ferme Racine in Casselman last year, this is the second year in a row that the Farm Transfer Award has been won by a farm in Eastern Ontario.
About this contest: La Coop fédérée recognizes and promotes families and businesses that have successfully transferred their farms. The winning farm receives $3,000 in travel credits (predecessors) and $3,000 in Unimat, BMR or La Coop credits (successors). Another category for the establishment of a new business is worth $3,000 in Unimat, BMR or La Coop credits. The finalists in these 2 categories will receive $2,000 in Unimat, BMR or La Coop credits.
- In order to be eligible for the Establishment and Transfer of a Farm Award, the candidate must: * Be a member and client of a cooperative in La Coop’s network.
- Be 40 years old or less at the time of the participation year.
- Be recommended by the cooperative’s Board of Directors and have a letter signed by the president.
- Have a minimum of 20% of the shares, 10 years maximum before participation in the contest, in the case of a farm transfer.